Sunday, October 24, 2010

Malaysia: Local Food

Malaysia is a multiracial melting pot, the society here contains many ethnic groups and created a unique diversified culture. There are many good and bad things in a multiracial country, but food diversity is definitely one of the good things. 

Chicken and Mutton Satay - you just won't get pork satay in M'sia

A session of ABC with my nieces (abbreviation of Air Batu Campur, or literally means Mixed Ice in Malay Language)

Penang Laksa

Nasi Lemak - luxury style with meat side dish

M'sia "Patongko" - obviously longer compared to those in Thailand

Nasi Lemak - roadside version, simple but taste better

A closer look

Roti Telur Bawang - M'sian style flatbread with egg and onion

Next to it is a plate of curry as a dipping sauce, and a cup of teh tarik (pulled tea)

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