Friday, April 9, 2010

UK I: London

River Thames 泰晤士河
London Eye, Millennium Wheel (倫敦眼, 千禧之輪)  - the modern landmark of London
Big Ben 大本钟

Westminster Abbey (西敏寺)

Fish and Chips 炸鱼薯条

Double-Decker Bus  英国国宝-双层公共汽车

Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫

London China Town  倫敦唐人街

Four Season Chinese Restaurant - mysteriously the must visit site for all Thais, it is said to have the best  roast duck in the world

St Paul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂

Piccadilly Circus 皮卡迪利圓環

Red Telephone Box 伦敦红色电话亭

Tower of London 伦敦塔
Albert Memorial 艾伯特王子纪念碑
Tower Bridge  倫敦塔橋

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