Friday, November 26, 2010

Vietnam, HCMC I: The City of Motorbike

Ho Chi Minh City - a city of more than 5 million bikes roaming 
Chaos...the only word I can describe the traffic in HCMC. Compounding the problem, these people horn all the way when they drive. It is said that Vietnamese will not drive if the horn is not functioning. 
Equally busy at night
At the town center 
No way you can cross the road without the cyclist giving you way. I can now understand why most of my friends working in HCMC need to have a driver, even they stay really close to the office

Inside a market - The bike is just roaring next to your feet. Even you can keep away from a crashing, it is tricky to avoid the red-hot exhaust pipe especially at the turning.

The local Cao Dong Market
Tallest building in Vietnam, the Bitexco Financial Tower, reaching 262.5 m.

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