Tuesday, April 12, 2011

East Malaysia VII: Gomantong Cave

Gomantong Cave - claimed to be the best managed bird nest cave in the world. I can not be sure whether it is true, but one thing for sure is, they collect very high charges for photographic equipment and making tonne of money out of it.

At the entrance of the cave

Poisonous long-legged centipede 

The stairs is full of all kind of shits and terribly slippery . Fall down here will be a disaster

An natural opening

Bats - day time is full of bats and swiftlet will take over at nights

Looking out the cave

House of the local bird's net collectors

Black-and-yellow Broadbill 黑黃闊嘴鳥 นกพญาปากกว้างเล็ก - this is the bird that make me decided to pay for the 30 RM/camera charges. 

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