Sunday, December 12, 2010

China, Yunnan 云南 XI: Some good moments

Papercutting 剪纸 - the artist cut a  silhouette of both of us while we were having our steamboat dinner and it took the artist less than 10 minutes to come out each of them.

On a street of Kunming city

A packaged ready-to-eat chicken feet

Something wrong with my Samsonite luggage bag when we arrived in Kunming. The front locking device could not be open. At first we though we could have mixed up the password so we tried all the thousand combinations from 000 to 999.  It took us around 1 hour but the lock is still locked. We become worry but the local tour guide consoled us what we need is just a screw driver. Believe it or not, with two screw drivers borrowed from the hotel, we forced open the bag in less than 5 minutes, even it is a top class Samsonite bag....

Nice view from our hotel in Dali

A huge Kwan-yin 观音 full body portrait  at the main lobby in our hotel in Dali. The local Bai people 白族 is devout believer to Kwan-yin.

Dried chili, in one of a restaurant from our way back from Lijiang to Dali

A limousine 

Foot Washing 洗脚 - a definitely have program in all China tour package. Foot washing is free, but  the Chinese herb products are not...

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