Saturday, October 23, 2010

Malaysia: Endau I - Jetty 兴楼

Endau is a border town between Johor and Pahang. Fronting the broad South China Sea, it is a ground that blessing for commercial fishing. Many immigrants to the town has earned tonne of money from fishery.

Surrounded by Borneo and Philippines islands, the town (or the whole Peninsular of Malaysia)  is almost free from disastrous tropical storms. Unlike Malacca straits, there is no pirates here. And perhaps the most important one is the range of fishing is far from any neighboring countries, i.e. incident of breaching neighboring countries fishing ground is unlikely unless the operators get too ambitious.

It is around 300 fishing boats here, well-equipped with modern technologies like sonar and GPS. Common methods are the damaging bottom trawling (拖網) and seine fishing (圍網). It is said that catches from seine fishing is tastier.

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