Monday, April 11, 2011

East Malaysia VI: Sepilok Night Walk

One of the most wonderful animal you would see in this night walk is the flying squirrel. They fly (or more accurately, glide) from tree to tree. Owing to the poor light condition and relatively high flying speed, I didn't manage to take a presentable photo, but it is worth mentioning to have seen this amazing animals here.

Our guide, can't remember his name

Catching a millipede

Taking the photo of the shy Slow Loris

A sleeping Ruby-cheeked Sunbird 紫颊直嘴太阳鸟 นกกินปลีแก้มสีทับทิม

Said to be the second slowest animal in this planet - Slow Loris (the slowest is  the South American  Sloth). We were truly fortunate to spot this amazing animals and managed to record them.


Black Squirrel

Kind of mysterious insect






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