Sunday, April 10, 2011

East Malaysia I: Sandakan, Sabah

We finally landed in East Malaysia, a place so close yet so far to all Malaysians who live in Peninsular. 

Arrival at Sandakan Airport

Hotel at Sandakan

A local bus

One of the most seen biz  in Malaysia - lottery

Local market
Sandakan Memorial - for the soldiers of WWII

Sandakan was where the notorious "Sandakan Dead Marches" starts.  2400+ Australian soldiers and 3000+ indonesian civilians were killed from the walk from Sandakan to Ranau. Only six finally survived .

 Puu Jih Shih Buddhist Temple - looking down from the temple is the Gulf of Sandakan 

St. Michael’s Church - The oldest Church built by Australian

Agnes Keith Museum - The residence of the author of "land below the wind"

Selamat Datang - "Welcome" in local language

English Tea House

Sim Sim Village

Photo with locals

Salted fish feast

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